Friday, October 26, 2007

Juananators blog

Hello Frost Middle School this is the juananator speaking i just want to tell you that something very tagic happend in my birthday. Well it is not actully my birthday but it happend the same day but in a different year. ready. Ok. i t was January 14,1969 when an explosion aboared a the aircraft carrier uss enterpeice kills 27 people in pearl harbor Hawaii. At 8:19 on January ,14 a mx-32z uni rocket was carried by a f-4 fhantom jet overheated to the pollution of the vehicles.


George Waw said...

hey juan its george
how you doin? well message my blog when ur done i came to say hi

George Waw said...

when u view ur file, go to the top right were it says customize go to template and click add a page element
near the side and bottom, and click add photo when a list comes up and find the photo