Monday, March 24, 2008

The Chaparral

The animals you would find in the Chaparral are the aardwolf, black tailed jackrabbit, cactus wren, golden jackal, Grey fox, island Grey fox,puma,wild goat,san joachin kit fox and the spotted skunk. The vegetation that you would find in the Chaparral are the blue oak, coyote brush, common sagebrush, fairy duster, French broom, king protea,Lebanon cedar,manzanita,mountain mahogany, salt marsh bird's beak, olive tree and the Torrey pine. The climate in the Chaparral is moist and mild in the winter and hat and dry in the summer. The geography in the Chaparral is that there are allot of hills and there are allot of trees in the Chaparral that you would find.

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